Sarah   Wagner

I have created a Haiku from my previous Micro fiction below and I have created a Found Poem using 10 of my Tweets which will be posted at the bottom of this post.

Rain pouring against the window. 
Grabbed my arms and held my hands,
he told me to relax.


Cant f O c U s.
The bitter coldness goes right through me,
I find myself forgetting... 
...things I once knew.
W o r s t feeling EVER.

background noise, music...
Frank Sinatra,
 reminds me of you.
Hopefully next Monday will be better.
Start of something new.

Tweets Used:
Pop Pop ... I miss you
Loving the Frank Sinatra Music in barnes and noble .. reminds me of my family
cant focus in my room this semester ... i cant figure out why
the bitter coldness goes right through me
waking up five minutes before your alarm goes off is the worst feeling ever
gather up your tears and put em in your pocket and save em for a time your really gonna need em
i find myself forgetting things i once knew
today is going to be that start of something new
hopefully next monday will be better
background noise of my dad vacuuming down stairs